... nothing.
And on a sunny day in the far far future,
somebody might revive it.
Somebody needs have the proper problem(s) and knows somebody with the correct motivation.
... and then: the situation must fit.
Make or buy?
Contribute to an active project?
Upcycle an abondoned project?
There might be
Is there an abandoned project?
Is it worth reviving?
Bonus: Why was it abandoned?
An Android app for outdoor activity related data.
Created in 2009; abandoned in 2013.
In 2019, OpenTracks was created.
Written in Java/Android.
What do you want to achieve with the project?
For OpenTracks: implement a privacy-first outdoor activity tracker.
Do you have the required hardware?
Build and test are working?
Dependencies still available?
Are there tests?
Are tests checking something useful?
What features do we need to keep?
Check if tests prevent refactoring?
How can we upgrade the code and dependencies?
Refactor things: one at a time
How to distribute your project?
How do new/old users hear about it?
Which release model are fits?
Where to host the project?
Do we have a build system and CI/CD?
How do we communicate?
How to organize work?
How to get money? Donations or selling it?
How to distribute money?
Do we need to make this transparent to the outside world?
For OpenTracks: due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
we had quite some time...
New is not always better.
Upcycling projects allows you to learn a lot!
... and it is kind of
... if the circumstances are right...
GPS week rollover created a bug
KML/KMZ: coordinates are optional
Memory leaks in other apps can crash your application
... remote debugging via Mastodon
Implement BLE sensor without having one